Do Gaj Ki Doori, Mask Hai Zaroori --- Together we will fight COVID-19. FPPCA inclusion in electricity charges is mandatory as per JERC regulator and are bound to be calculated and claimed by Utilities all over the Country from time to time please read the article in the Web Archives.

2/22/2025 10:59:49 PM

General Information


The Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), Government of Goa was setup in Vidyut Bhavan, Vasco and has Started functioning since 30/06/2011.

A Grievance means,

(i) Defect or deficiency in electricity service provided by the licensee.

(ii) Unfair or restrictive trade practices of licensee in providing electricity services;

(iii) Charging of a price in excess of the price fixed by the Commission/ Govt of Goa for supply of electricity and allied services.

(iv) Errors in billing.

(v) Erroneous disconnection of supply.

(vi) Electricity services which are unsafe or hazardous to public life in contravention of the provisions of any law or rule in force or

(vii) Any other grievance connected with the supply of electricity by the licensee except those related to the following:

(1) Unauthorized use of electricity as provided under Section 126 of the Act;

(2) Offences and penalties as provided under Sections 135 to 139 of the Act and

(3) Accident in the distribution, supply or use of electricity under Section 161 of the Act.

The Aggrieved consumers can apply on plain paper and submit their petitions explaining their issues with the Electricity Department with supporting documents, bills, letters, etc. in order to enable to take up and hold a hearing for addressing the issues.The hearings are usually held at Panaji (at Head Office premises), Margao (at Vidyut Bhavan office premises) or Vasco depending upon the location of the complainant's installation for the convenience of the complainant.

CGRF Postal Address

The Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum,

Government of Goa,

Electricity Department,

4th Floor, Vidyut Bhavan,

Near main KTC bus stand,

Vasco-da-Gama, 403 802South,

GOA District, GOA.

Contact Nos. (0832) 2500107 to 109

Email ID –


OMBUDSMAN --- for the State of Goa and Union Territories under section 42(6) of the Electricity Act 2003

C/o Joint Electricity Regulatory Authority

3 & 4th Floor, Plot No. 55-56

Pathkind Lab Building,

Service Lane Phase IV,

Udyog Vihar, Sector 18,

Gurugran, Haryana,

Tel (0124) 28715304

Secretary --- for the State of Goa and Union Territories under section 42(6) of the Electricity Act 2003.

C/o Joint Electricity Regulatory Authority

3 & 4th Floor, Plot No. 55-56

Pathkind Lab Building,

Service Lane Phase IV,

Udyog Vihar, Sector 18,

Gurugran, Haryana,

Tel (0124) 28715302,

Online Services


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Complaint No.


(Toll Free No)



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