Do Gaj Ki Doori, Mask Hai Zaroori --- Together we will fight COVID-19. FPPCA inclusion in electricity charges is mandatory as per JERC regulator and are bound to be calculated and claimed by Utilities all over the Country from time to time please read the article in the Web Archives.

2/8/2025 4:59:15 AM

General Information


1) Which is safer; alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC)?
Alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) have slightly different effects on the human body, but both are dangerous above a certain voltage. The risk of injury changes according to the frequency of the AC, and it is common for DC to have an AC component (called ripple). Someone with special equipment can measure this, but the effect on a particular person is very difficult to predict as it depends upon a large number of factors. As a consequence you should always avoid contact with high-voltage electrical conductors, regardless of the type of electrical current they are carrying.
2) Everyone gets a 'belt' from electricity every now and then, don't they?
No, not if they are careful and follow the simple rules to securely isolate electrical equipment, and check it is dead before they start work. If you received an electric shock but were not injured then you were lucky. Next time a slight change in events may lead to a very different result. No-one is immune to injury from electricity.
3) How often should I test my electrical equipment?
lectrical equipment should be visually checked to spot early signs of damage or deterioration. Equipment should be more thoroughly tested by a competent person often enough that there is little chance the equipment will become dangerous between tests. Equipment used in a harsh environment should be tested more frequently than equipment that is less likely to become damaged or unsafe.
4) What voltages are dangerous?
A wide range of voltages can be dangerous for different reasons. A very low voltage (such as that produced by a single torch battery) can produce a spark powerful enough to ignite an explosive atmosphere. Batteries (such as those in motor vehicles) can also overheat or explode if they are shorted.
Q5. Whether I can pay my electricity bill online?
Yes, please scan through the guide displaying screenshot wise procedure to be followed for your understanding of the online payment process. At all times please note down the echallan no. and the mobile no. you enter during the payment process for any complaint to be lodged or for tracing of your payment. Help Document
Q6. Whether I can create an account for viewing the details of my connection and simultaneously pay my electricity bill online?
Yes, please scan through the guide displaying screenshot wise procedure to be followed for your understanding of the login registration process including the after login screens that you will be able to view displaying various details including Bills and payments made. You can also activate SMS and Email facility for receiving your bills in the email as and when generated prior to receiving a hard copy at home. Help Document
Q7. Can I make online payment through BBPS (Bharat Bill Pay Service) app?
BBPS app is available on the Department website. The consumers intending to pay online through BBPS can click on the symbol and on providing the required inputs , view their bill and thereafter proceed to pay online their bills and even receive SMS acknowledgement and receipt via email. Please download and view the screenshot wise guide in the following link Help Document
Q8. Can I make physical payments at Designated Banks within State of Goa other than online activity?
Yes.The Department continues to give its consumers the best services possible and as many as possible payment options with physical payment facilities available at the Designated Banks including Cooperative Banks all over the State of Goa. The present list of Banks who offer these services to consumers are as per the link please click here Bill Collection Centres
Q9. Can I use the HDFC payment gateway and How do I make online payment via HDFC payment gateway?
Yes. The Department has introduced the HDFC payment gateway (third online payment gateway) for effecting online remittance of Energy Bills for all consumers within the State of Goa and is linked to all major designated National and Private Banks. The screen shot wise activity involved during the online payment process via HDFC payment gateway is as per document attached here which can be downloaded and viewed for understanding the procedure and for guidance. You will be provided an authenticated receipt of payment at the end of the payment process —“HDFC Document” HDFC Help Document
Q10. Are there any charges levied for bill payment via HDFC bank payment gateway?
No. The HDFC Bank presently, does not levy any charges on bill payment using any payment method via its payment gateway.
Q11.I need to pay my electricity bill via NEFT/ RTGS facility. Does the Department have any provision to make a NEFT / RTGS transaction for bulk bill handling or company based bills? If there is any provision, how can I go about this?
The Department has authorized TJSB Bank with the facility to permit NEFT/ RTGS transactions for bulk bill payments and company based payment or payments which need levels of authorizations as in companies. You will have to first click on button “NEFT/ RTGS facility for all consumers” available on the home page of the Dept website --- click on new registration – fill in all the details as per the fields available – after which an OTP will be sent to the registered mobile and within 15 days, your application will be processed and registered after which you will get a USER ID and Password to avail the login facility. On login, you can add any number of bills you intend to pay in a single transaction via NEFT/ RTGS which will be saved in your account for review from time to time. The HELP document attached to this will give you a screenshot understanding of the process to be followed for registration and for utilizing the NEFT/ RTGS facility for making your payments from your Bank authorities. Help Document

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